Home Business Solutions

In our day and age we are all blessed with the technology to run a home business, and not just work from home but wherever we can get an internet connection. We can even run a business from a phone. When people want to enter into a home business they must realize that one home business out of ten will survive five years. Th

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Every one in the world wants to look fashionable. Further, all of us love to look trendy and like to have his / her own identity apart from a crowd of people. We know your appearance and attire speaks louder. But your accessories are also equally important. Accessories like jewellery can help you attain an individuality if you are a person of good

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The Narcissist as Eternal Child

“Puer Aeternus” the eternal adolescent, the semipternal Peter pan is a phenomenon often associated with pathological narcissism. People who refuse to grow up strike others as self-centred and aloof, petulant and brattish, haughty and demanding in short: as childish or infantile. The narcissist is a partial ad

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Axes of Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are like tips of icebergs. They rest on a foundation of causes and effects, interactions and events, emotions and cognitions, functions and dysfunctions that together form the patient and make him or her what s/he is. The DSM uses five axes to analyze, classify, and describe these data. The patient (or subject) presents himsel

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Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research – Are Adult

Pros 툰코 And Cons Of Stem Cell Research – Are Adult Stem Cells Just As Good? Many of us know that the center of the debate of the Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research revolves around embryonic stem cells and whether or not using them is morally appropriate. But, are politics and the media hiding the real potential of it’s brother Adul

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