About Fremont

About Fremont

Blog Article

The way that visitors are drawn to this funky, colorful neighborhood, Fremont may just deserve the title of “Center Of The Universe”.

Fremont is a colorful, artistic community in Seattle, Washington. It’s located along the ship canal, just north of the Queen Anne Hill. You’ll enjoy browsing for vintage clothing, collectibles, antiques, and more, in the many shops and stores throughout this neighborhood. In the summer, you’ll want to check out the outdoor cinema, where you’ll see mainstream favorites, indie films, and cult classics.

One stop that you’ll certainly want to make, is under the Aurora Bridge. Lurking under the bridge, you’ll find the Fremont Troll, about to devour a Volkswagen. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to have your picture taken with the troll while you’re there. Don’t worry, he eats cars, not people. If you’re in town on 근조화환문구 October 31st, you can participate in “Trollaween”, a party and parade that starts under the bridge, and then moves on to other funky art sites and events in the neighborhood.

A statue of Lenin stands in the Fremont neighborhood, brought back to the United States by a teacher, Lewis Carpenter, who was living in Slovakia at the time of the 1989 revolution. The statue was originally installed in Slovakia in 1988. After the revolution, Carpenter brought the statue back to his home in Issaquah, before it was moved to Fremont.

The Solstice Parade is an event that takes place every year, on the Saturday closest to the Summer Solstice. Anyone who wishes to participate in the parade is welcome to do so. You’ll find many examples of art and creativity in the parade… floats, dancers, bodypainting, and more. The parade is a demonstration of creativity, art, and community, and is an event that shouldn’t be missed.

“Waiting For The Interurban” is an interactive sculpture in Fremont. It depicts five people and a dog under a shelter, waiting for a bus that never comes. This sculpture was created in 1979, by sculptor Richard Beyer, and has been subject to many “art attacks” since then. People come to dress the statues up to celebrate birthdays, weddings, and other events, or to make a political statement.

If you’re visiting the Seattle area, Fremont is one place you won’t want to miss. You’ll find surprises around every corner, and if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself drawn back, again and again, to the “Center Of The Universe”.

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