Video Surveillance Cameras Make Your Car Road-worthy
Video Surveillance Cameras Make Your Car Road-worthy
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Your vehicle darts along the road, continuing to speed faster and faster. You press on the brakes, and discover you’ve lost control over the vehicle’s breaking system! Seconds later, you hit a wall. Proving Newton’s law that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,” your head whips back against the headrest. The airbag, which ballooned on impact, cushions your head. With your cranium buried in the inflated airbag, you feel like a dummy, and that is precisely what you are – a crash test dummy. To optimize what they could learn from you, researchers had placed a video surveillance camera on the wall. Such cameras remain useful throughout the life of an automobile.
The Production
From start to finish, the production of an automobile is a very precise and meticulous process. Video surveillance cameras are vital in ensuring that quality control is always maintained. They are mainly used for inspecting many parts, verifying that parts have been positioned properly and in 3D guidance of robots. For instance “smart” cameras are frequently used in various stages of automobile production. The camera helps robots “learn” certain parts. The robots, in turn, use a “vision processor” to verify that a correct product has been installed.
Along an automobile assembly line, video surveillance cameras are also used to monitor the totally automated installation of the windshield and rear-window. Cameras ensure that parts, such as panels, have been positioned accurately onto the vehicle’s body.
The Testing
Many tests are conducted on automobiles. These are carried out to improve their quality and safety. One example is the crash test. High speed cameras, which can capture more frames per second than other cameras, are used. The camera helps to detail what happens to the passenger and automobile during the crash. Due to the high cost of crash tests, these cameras are invaluable in helping researchers obtain as much data as possible from the test. A video surveillance camera can be used for other types of tests on cars. For example, the road test checks whether or not the car is worthy to be driven on roads. Lastly, a video surveillance camera can be used to enforce quality control at emissions test centers, where the amount of pollutants that a vehicle produces is tested.
The Protection
In addition to assisting in the production and testing of automobiles, video surveillance cameras can also be used to safeguard automobiles from auto theft, a grave problem in America. Consider the following statistics.
* Every year, over one million vehicles are stolen in the United States.
* In 2005, the 2001 BMW M Roadster was the most frequently stolen passenger vehicle in the United States.
* In 2006, more vehicles were stolen in Las Vegas than in any other metropolitan area in the United States.
Mounted in places such as driveways, parking lots, parking garages, and car alarm stores, video surveillance cameras are valuable in protecting one’s investment. In addition to capturing visual evidence against car thieves, they also serve as a deterrent for those who are thinking about taking someone else’s Jaguar, Road Runner, or Bug.
There is no doubt that from the assembly line to the junkyard, video surveillance cameras shift gears to play vital roles in the lives of automobiles.
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